The next morning we have a 2 hour discussion and given the best gift of all - a free day! Myself, Ashley, Meghan, Rachel and Caren visit the English gardens in the heart of Munich. It's like being transported to a different world. Tall trees and open grassy areas surround a river that runs through this part of town. I'm so glad this was my last experience with this city. Up till now I had nothing really positive to say about it. Maybe it was the fact that it was finally sunny, or maybe it was the surfers riding waves in the middle of the city.
We went to the goodbye dinner at the rainbow cafe, ran by the aids clinic we visited earlier in the course. The company is great, food is outstanding, and it's a good end to an interesting 9 days. Our little group hangs out till 12am ish, investigating the interesting smell eminating from the 19-year-olds in the room across the hall (3 guesses on what it was), giving each other travel tips as we head to our next destinations, and on and on. It was sort of hard - how does a group with no real structure fast forward to the closing phase? Regardless, it doesn't matter anymore. Meghan and I have picked up another traveler from our class,Rachel, who is coming with us to Prague and Amsterdam. As I siting our private car (private because there are 6 seats but the three of us use all of them for our assortment of travel necessities) on this unbearably hot train to Prague, this iPhone is slipping through my sweaty hands because I've written ten days of blogging in the past 5 1/2 hours, I'm determined to make the most of what's happened so far and what lies ahead. Here's some Prague train pics :-)
Cute Czech House
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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